Friday, January 13, 2012


Friday's in Doha are like Sunday's in the US.  It's a day of rest, worship and... the day when my cleaning lady, Rohini, comes.  Yes, this so-called "professionally domestic" lady has a cleaning lady.  The reason I feel the need to confess this is because right now, while we're waiting to leave for church my husband said something to the effect of "we're laying here checking Facebook and Rohini is doing our chores." (That bit of conversation may, or may not have, been less polite than that)

So now I feel like I should confess.  I have a cleaning lady.  She does the floors and the bathrooms once a week.  And I'm okay with supporting the local economy, I'm okay with not being able to spit shine my house myself, I'm okay with having a very nice Sri Lankan woman do the dirty work and I'm okay with typing a bunch of platitudes and hoping that you'll understand.

We're going to leave for church now.  And when I come home I'll have beautifully clean floors with perfect, shiny bathrooms.  Luckily, there will still be dishes and laundry for me to do so I can assuage my guilt for not being able to keep up with my own house.  That stupid hobby of mine is taking up entirely too much of my time.


  1. When we lived in Portugal we had a cleaning lady. And even here in the states my mother has had someone cleaning her place for the last 5 years at least. I think if it's something you want and you can afford it then don't feel guilty.

  2. A very large part of me knows you're right. But there's still that little bit that says, "C'mon, Em, you could do it if you weren't so lazy!" :) When we go back to the States there will be no cleaning lady, or car wash man, or full service gas attendant, or office boy to make me tea. Maybe I should ditch the guilt and just appreciate it while I can?


Thanks for writing!